Sod Webworms

Central Florida Sod Web Worm Control Specialists

Tropical sod webworm – Herpetogramma phaeopteralis.

This is the most common caterpillar attacking turfgrass. They attack all grasses, but Bermuda is preferred and Bahia is least desirable. The larvae are greenish with numerous black spots and are 3/4″ long when mature. Sod webworms are usually not a problem until June in south Florida, July in central Florida and August in north Florida. Injured grass has notches chewed along the sides of the blades or is eaten back unevenly. They feed only at night and rest in a curled position on the soil surface during the day. The life cycle requires five to six weeks and there are several generations per year.

Sod Web Worm
Damage from sod web worm

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